Psychological Connectedness

It’s interesting to look at the perception of each and every person and how one can change their perception, as well as how perceptions can change from one person to another. However do we truly think about how this may affect someone else? It is shown that people are more likely to care when the decisions that they make influence others, they feel connected as well as having a sense of empowerment.

In day to day life it is interesting to take a step back and look around at what others do, do they follow their friends? Or make their own decisions? Do they follow their parents? Or make up their own minds? Are they allowed to explore their own fields in which they are interested? Or are their paths laid out to them as a guide but they follow strictly afraid to take a chance?

Psychological connectedness is a form built between different people, it could be between similarity’s in their beliefs, minds, memories, experiences, likes, dislikes, anything in which is found similar to each person where they can ‘connect’ on the matter. Psychological connectedness is especially important when thinking about the times where people felt alone, where they had the belied their was no one their for them. However with this connection the small experiences shared gather a group or even just two people and allow them to share this time, this sequence or this moment together and therefore allow them to have this shared moment as a memory forever. (Li and Zhang, 2014)

Taking this into account, I would like our audio game to empower people, to make those who feel alone feel connected in some way. Therefore the connection will be in the moments where groups of people gather together or join to do the same task, such as looking up, or joining in the same area, running across the same paths etc. The idea of strangers creating a memory together and maybe forming a relationship through this short connection shows how easy it for us all to talk to each other, to interact, however we should question why we don’t!

Li, X. and Zhang, M. (2014) The Effects of Heightened Physiological Needs on Perception of Psychological Connectedness. Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (4) 1078-1079.

The Cathedral

Due to the weather last Monday we took shelter in the Cathedral as it was one of the places in which we wanted to use for our walk/game. We also knew that in the Cathedral there were numerous flags as well as the names of people who were in the Army, RAF and Navy who fell during the war. In one of our audio games we want it to be as if the players are in a war, the sounds, the moves, each game will interlink however it will be in different ways. For instance in this game the players may be told that the person next to them is an enemy trying to attack them, however the person in that game may have been told to try and make friends with that person and stick by them therefore they have to try and solve this problem.

We will try and use the Cathedral as a base for a beginning and an end as we love the echo of voices you hear inside, the design of the windows, the prayers that are made and thoughts that are given as well as what was made in the War. We hope to end the 3 game links in the church listening to the choir singing as each voice radiates against the walls is so pure and delicate, we believe we can create a small story within this about how each step and each footpath was led to this destination where all thoughts are free and everyone can be welcomed as well as forgiven for what they have done or even guided to where they may want to be. We would like to open people’s eyes to the opportunity of following different footpaths which they are told to and then given the light to create their own.

Stephan Koplowitz

Stephan Koplowitz is an amazing artist, as well as an award winning director, choreographer and media artist who works specifically on projects to do with site specific work.

“His site work aims to alter people’s perspectives of place, site, and scale, all infused with a sense of human condition” Koplowitz, S. (1991) Stephan Koplowitz Projects. [online] State of Illinois: Available from: [Accessed 1 February 2015]

Koplowitz has been working on a project from 2004 named the ‘Grand Step Project’ which is still ongoing to this date. This project specifically focuses on bringing art, dance, and music out of the theatre and onto the street for a different kind of audience to see. It aims to try and integrate a different kind of audience to view theatre, to create different views on theatre.

This project paused people through their everyday lives, it made them stop and think about what they were seeing, to think about the movements, the sounds, everything that’s going on around them while this 30 minute performance is occurring. At first the project happened in 6 different stairwells in New York City and then it toured across different places broadening the different cultures that were received in each society that were reached.

Here is the performance: Lemberger, J. (2004) Grand Step Project (2004 – ongoing) [online] Available from: [Accessed 1February 2015]

Take a look guys x

The Imagination

The first lesson of site specific as a whole opened my eyes to not only my own but others imaginations, how one persons perspective can change in an instance when seeing how another person views certain buildings, people, instructions, etc.

When you walk you walk in your own way, with a unique quality which helps represent who you are but also how you are feeling at that point. If you take a minute to observe others as they walk, look at their shoulders, their facial expressions, the speed in which they walk or how long their strides are, even what they are carrying you can create a story or an interpretation as to what they are thinking and feeling at that moment in time. Look at the surroundings. Is it dark? Are you outside? Will these surroundings have an effect on how someone is feeling?

Take a minute to step into their shoes and feel how they feel, be in their ‘site’ that they are in and you will start to understand the difference between how one person feels and how you feel. Open up and explore the differences to extend the paths that you can take in different sites.