
Watching the videos in our seminar about performance walks has changed my opinion about the possibilities of different locations. Watching videos about the Morcambe bay and how people reported that they felt like the were looking down on the earth as the stretches just went on forever has made me think that an ideal location for performance may be a rooftop. I think when people realise how small we are they are more likely to enjoy an experience e.g. our performance and take much more away from it. There are two types of locations from our walk on monday that I would consider, either a regular everyday destination with views of Lincoln, or a high up place off the beaten track, with views of buildings and countryside. I think this could be an important location to consider as taken from Adrian Howells Foot washing for the sole, people are much more likely to take in more when they are removed from everyday circumstances, and I think making people feel small in relation to the earth is a good way to do this.

BritishCouncilArtsSg’s channel (2010) Adrian Howells. [Online Video] Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7btf8Tdg_s [Accessed 5th February 2015].

Janan Yakula (2012) Sand Pilot. [Online Video] Available from http://vimeo.com/58462237 [Accessed 5th February 2015]

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